Through the connection between National Tsinghua University and cooperative internship Enterprise, we provide on-the-job practical training for doctoral-level elites, as well as opportunities for industrial employment and entrepreneurship. This program aims to cultivate high-level talents for various industries and to assist in the planning of doctoral elites to work in the industry, thereby promoting industrial development.
培訓優惠Training offers:
- 本計畫補助每位博士級產業訓儲菁英於訓儲期間每月培訓酬金新台幣6萬元整
- 提供為期一年涵蓋各領域等專業課程與職務訓練以及培訓課程
- 聘任業界頗負聲量之重量級業師,關懷博士菁英實習狀況或提供諮詢與晤談
- The plan subsidizes each doctoral-level industrial training elite, and the monthly training fee during the training period is NT$60,000.
- Provide a one-year professional courses and career educating and training courses that cover all the fields.
- 預計113年6月起:開放媒合 (確切時間仍依國科會核定通知時間而定)
- 113年6月中旬後:合作企業與博士意願確認,國立清華大學開始執行訓儲菁英聘僱流程。
- 113年7月起:計畫案博士與合作企業正式加入計畫案。
- 114年7月前:計畫案博士由合作企業正式聘任為企業正式員工。
- 本國籍博士:具備國內外教育部認可之博士學位證書
- 外國籍博士:具備國內教育部認可之博士學位證書
- 不限年齡與學校之博士
- 規劃至企業就職者
- Education: Applicants must have obtained a doctoral degree from a Taiwanese university or independent college, whether public or private, recognized by the Ministry of Education of the Republic of China and have a field of study relevant to the industry that applicants wish to engage in.
- Participation limit: Each doctorate holder can only enroll in the program once.
- Planning to enter an industry
二、博士申請日期Application deadline:
Until applicant’s amount reaches the limit
三、培訓期間Training Period:
From July 1, 2024, to June 30, 2025.
四、面試流程Doctoral Talent Selection Process:
- 詳細履歷提供予清華(系統上傳),並於國科會網站內登記確認資格。
- 國立清華大學之合作企業,通知博士面試。
- 參加面試。
- 若通過面試,則由企業通知清華大學。
- 國立清華大學通知博士,準備報到事宜,並將甄選通知書提拱予清華大學。
Provide detailed resume to NTHU(upload online) and register to confirm qualifications on the National Science Council website.(link:https://phdojt.org.tw/index)
- Cooperative companies will directly invite for an interview If encounter suitable candidates.
- Attend the interview.
- If successful in the interview, NTHU will be notified by the company.
- NTHU will proceed with confirmation and initiate the hiring process.
五、參與產博後計畫的博士須知 (在此簡稱:訓儲菁英) Key Points to Note
- 在國立清華大學報到日之後,即屬於國立清華大學的博士後研究員。
- 其薪資與勞健保及勞退金皆由清華大學提撥直接支付該員。
- 雙方簽訂有聘僱契約。
- 需參與國立清華大學之產博後計畫辦公室所規畫之培訓課程與活動。
- 於清華大學的培訓時間之外,應配合實習公司進行完整的實習。
- 於一年計劃期間轉至產業界服務為目標。
- Upon joining the program, you will become a postdoctoral researcher at NTHU.
- Salary, labor insurance, and retirement benefits will all be provided by NTHU.
- Sign an employment contract with NTHU.
- Must participate in training courses as required.
- Must participate in internship collaborations with company.
- Aim to work in the Taiwanese industry sector.